Photo Blog
Our 7th Annual Butterfly Flutter By was so much fun! We were back at Nancy's Garden for the 5th year. Thank you so much to everyone who supported us in this great cause!
April 26, 2015
Our 6th Annual Butterfly Flutter By was a great event again this year at Nancy's Garden! Thanks to all who continue to support us and our mission.
April 27, 2014
Our 5th Annual Butterfly Flutter By was lots of fun and pretty successful again this year! Thanks to all who sponsored a butterfly and helped to support the CMF.
April 21, 2013
Our very first Down syndrome cruise "Mission Possible" to Labadee, Haiti and Falmouth, Jamaica was so much fun!
February 25 - March 2, 2013
Our 3rd Annual CMF Golf Classic was lots of fun and pretty successful! Thanks to David and Millicent Moehlman and lots of volunteers!! It was held at Wildcat Golf Club in Houston, TX, again this year.
October 5, 2012
One-Day Seminar in Pocatello, Idaho -- Amazing event with 100% participation in the protocol afterwards!
It was held at the Marshall Public Library and lunch was catered by Dutch Oven Delights! Teresa, Joanne and Maria Neumann spoke.
June 23, 2012
Our 4th Annual Butterfly Flutter By was an amazing success!! It was held at Nancy's Garden again at Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Houston, TX.
April 22, 2012
One-Day Seminar in Tucson, Arizona -- It was an amazing event with 68 people in attendace at the University of Arizona Medical Center. Teresa, Joanne and Greg DeSilva spoke.
January 21, 2012
One-Day Seminar in Orlando, Florida --Great event with a full house at the Orlando Regional Medical Center. One family drove 7 hours from Augusta, Georgia, to hear the information. Teresa, Joanne and Andi Durkin spoke.
November 12, 2011
Our 2nd Annual CMF Golf Classic 2011 was lots of fun and a BIG success! Thanks to David and Millicent Moehlman and lots of volunteers!! It was held at Wildcat Golf Club in Houston, TX, again this year.
October 28, 2011
Our 3rd Annual Butterfly Flutter By was very successful !! We were in a new location at Nancy's Garden, across the street from Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Houston, TX.
May 15, 2011
One-Day Seminar in Mason, OH -- good event with some families coming from Illinois and Indiana! Hosts: Chris & Julia Smith. Their 10 year old daughter Katie spoke for a few minutes and so did her school principal, Don Baker.
April 9, 2011
One-Day Seminar in Madison, WI -- very successful with 100 people in attendance! Hosts: Lexy & Russ Austin
November 20, 2010
Our 1st Annual Golf Classic was a huge success! It was held at Wildcat Golf Club in Houston, TX. We raised just under $30,000.
October 28, 2010
Our 1st Annual Changing Minds Conference was a tremendous success! It was held at the Doubletree hotel in Houston, TX, and 85 people attended.
July 23-24, 2010
The 2nd Annual Butterfly Flutter By Event was a huge success! It is a release of 1000 Painted Lady Butterflies at St. Martins Episcopal Church - Cloister Garden, to raise money and awareness for treatment for Down syndrome.
April 25, 2010
Teresa speaks to the Houston Exchange Club at the Petroleum Club
April 21, 2010
Teresa speaks to the Houston Aggies at the Hess Club
February 1, 2010
Teresa speaks at Rosenberg Lions Club about CMF.
December 2009
The DSAH Buddy Walk was a big success this year! CMF had a table there to sell DVD's and tell everyone about our non-profit organization. Here are some photos that Teresa took of the event.
November 2009
Nicole Taylor has a successful Art Gallery Showing of her work. Here are some pictures of the event.
June 2009
The First Annual Butterfly Flutter By Fundraising Event for CMF
May 17, 2009
The Premiere of Changing Minds Foundation at River Oaks Theatre in Houston, Texas.
October 2008